Aryan Group’s Profile
Aryan food ingredients limited is a name known for bringing Organic Product from remote corners in India to the likes of few who are willing to contribute towards the social upliftment of society, conserved by Mother Nature for generations.
3500 farmers and 13100 hectares of Organic land are being managed by ARYAN Group, despite from having its own processing plant, wherein we process and pack our range of commodities. Keeping into account unprecedented quality standards.
The Company’s efforts in Contract Farming, Processing and Exporting have been certified under EU 834/2007, USDA – NOP and JAS Standards.
On the other hand keeping in mind the global needs of Organic Products in today’s hectic & stressful life, the company also conducts informative programmes on sustainable agriculture, good farming practice & post harvest management techniques for farmers at its Organic Project locations, which in turn also educates the farmers regarding their work.
The company’s secret of success is undoubtedly its superior standard of quality, its control of supply chain and its genuine commitment to customers, Today Aryan has a reputation of being the most reliable Indian Supply chain partner for Global Buyers, with offices at various locations in India & Overseas and is one of the largest suppliers of Organic products in India.

Positive and Powerful
On the face of it, wellness is a pretty simple concept – it’s about feeling good and functioning well. But dig a little deeper and most people discover that it’s a bit more complicated. Wellness is about strong bodies and minds, open hearts, and soaring spirits. It’s about finding balance. But life doesn’t stand still for anyone – our lives and the world around us is constantly changing. Wellness is about being able to adapt in positive ways to change, bounce back from challenges and overcome obstacles put in our path. The concept behind Green Roots is a simple, yet powerful one: to provide an overall wellness, provide good food that will fill people up, provide nutrition and also provide enjoyment and make them feel good !
Mission & Vision
We strongly believe in bringing change to our Food and Health Industry by revolutionizing the way organic food products are consumed in our country. We produce and offer nutritional natural food products in bulk quantities at the affordable prices possible to people, so that organic food would no longer remain luxury food product.
You can take this as our guarantee that what we offer is nothing but the best in organics with the premium quality contributing our part in raising the standard of living of the people of India.